Natural Gas Traders and Schedulers responsible for overseeing pipeline operations often struggle with managing the logistical complexities…
Continue ReadingNatural Gas Traders and Schedulers responsible for overseeing pipeline operations often struggle with managing the logistical complexities…
Continue ReadingDuring discovery calls with natural gas businesses of all types and sizes, we survey our audiences for the range of problem statements they are seeking to resolve…
Continue ReadingI hear it in the News almost every day … employers grappling with employees over continued remote working vs. returning to the office. Across nGenue’s user base and the many evaluating…
Continue Readingresisted writing this blog, however an unpleasant practice with serious business consequences has become such a common occurrence, my conscience drove my fingers to keyboard…
Continue ReadingIn the competitive Natural Gas industry, where marketers are readily substitutable, customer service and support quality can be the difference between retaining or losing hard-won customers…
Continue ReadingWell folks, let me tell you, 2023 is proving to be a HUGE year for us at nGenue. In just the first quarter, our new customer adoption rate blew away the whole of 2022 – and 2022 was a big…
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