Behind the City Gate – Scheduling Software Designed for Natural Gas

By Kenneth Hall

Supply managers overseeing retail operations are faced with significant challenges scheduling behind the city gate. Retail nominations and daily balancing requirements of large C&l and aggregate daily pooling requirements for small commercial and residential book positions are historically managed via error prone spreadsheets using a cumbersome process. As well, each market and pool can have vastly different requirements necessitating completely unique spreadsheets and processes to manage them. Talented Schedulers’ time is consumed managing the often-inconsistent rules of a proprietary spreadsheet, making scheduling tasks inefficient and cross coverage nearly impossible.

Scheduling software designed for natural gas resolves commonly faced issues, enables unparalleled efficiency, delivering business benefits:

  • Minimize month-end imbalances and manage cash out requirements with views highlighting required delivery versus actual volumes and forecasts.
  • Proactively plan for daily balancing, leveraging real time meter reads, forecasting, rule-based pool balancing or standalone storage strategies.
  • Quickly access valuable information with daily pool activity views displaying the latest meter reads, MDQs, and pre-determined nomination requirements.
  • Manage any scenario with user-defined custom pools based on the contractual requirements for standalone end users.
  • Eliminate manual effort with the ability to create nominations based on either pool totals or individual standalone end users.
  • Adopt one consistent process for managing pools, including configuration to capture differences at the pool level.

With superior data integrity and insights via a consolidated, 360-degree view of retail information, Natural Gas businesses can nominate volumes productively and efficiently behind the city gate and manage either standalone or aggregate pool balancing requirements.

If you have ever wondered how you can ensure a software investment is best utilized and how to maximize your ROI, operations software designed for natural gas is the answer to enjoying productive and efficient natural gas operations, resolving existing shortcomings, streamlining operations and serving as a powerful instrument for growth.

Natural Gas End Users, LDCs, Marketers, Pipelines, Producers, and Utilities face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most do not. Engage us and we will show you how to make a breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field.


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