Your Natural Gas Operations Efficient and Affordable?
Several have commented or inquired about my blog, Spreadsheets Costing Your Natural Gas Business Money?. One reader asked, “How can an enterprise software solution like nGenue be financially viable as a replacement for our spreadsheet-based approach? We’re small, just five of us. We can’t afford anything but Excel.”
I understand the premise however, each year, nGenue onboards new users that are either startups or working with only one or a handful of utilities, within only a single or just a couple states. All of these new nGenue users migrated from spreadsheets to nGenue and are proof points that Natural Gas businesses of all sizes can afford the nGenue natural gas operations solution. How so?
First, while nGenue is a comprehensive software solution serving the operational needs of both Retail and Wholesale business requirements, it is modular, permitting Natural Gas businesses to license the nGenue capabilities that are a priority to them and only pay for the functionality used. In fact, the majority of new nGenue implementations (across businesses of all sizes) initially adopt only a subset of nGenue functionality. Some are focused on Natural Gas Billing, others Pricing and Contracting, yet others only Trading & Risk. nGenue’s modular design enables implementation and use of only the required functionality, offering the flexibility to add other nGenue functionality later with no penalty.
Second, nGenue subscription licensing provides Natural Gas businesses a cash flow-friendly payment structure, following the seasonality of the business and obviating the requirement for a large, upfront capital investment. As well, subscription license pricing scales with the size of the natural gas volumes under management, making nGenue enterprise software attractive to Natural Gas businesses of all sizes.
Lastly, nGenue software task automation enables substantial productivity and efficiency gains that not only eliminate the need for additional headcount, but also shift a boatload of recurring manual tasks off the shoulders of existing staff, enabling them to focus on higher value propositions such as driving new business development initiatives, more advanced pricing methodologies and/or analyses of existing customer profitability improvement. In fact, implementing nGenue LOWERS per capita business operating costs, both in present and future as the business grows!
Any one of the above individually makes nGenue not only affordable, but also cost-advantageous to spreadsheets and/or generic software that doesn’t get Natural Gas.
Whether large or small, End Users, Marketers, Producers, LDCs, Utilities, and Pipelines face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most don’t. Engage us and we’ll show you how to make an affordable breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field.
~ Ken