Help is Needed!

By Kenneth Hall

Since mid-February, Ukraine has been all over the News – I wish it was in a good way, but instead it has been about a brutal war inflicting pain and suffering on a peaceful and friendly people. I have never been to Ukraine, and I really don’t know much about Ukraine, but the love, passion and resilience of the Ukrainian people I am witnessing is overwhelming. Every day, I feel horrible about the growing humanitarian crisis, and I wish to do more. Help is needed in many forms, whether it be medical supplies or food and shelter for the millions of Ukrainians who suddenly found themselves refugees in their own country, having lost loved ones, their homes, and their basic right to live their lives as they had been before February 2022. Thus far, donating has been my best idea about what I can do to help, hoping millions of Americans are doing the same and that the sum of all of this will lead to an end to this inhumanity.

The other day, I was again wondering what more I can do to help when the below email arrived challenging me to do my part to get the word out and rally additional support. Please read it … it stands on its own, just like nGenue, its employees, our many business partners, friends and families all Stand with Ukraine!

Hi Kenneth,

I am a Ukrainian, and there is a war going on in my country. Just a few weeks ago, I was a regular software developer – now I am protecting my country. My goal is to reach out to as many foreign companies as possible, and ask them to show their support for Ukrainian people and spread awareness about the terrible war.

Here is what nGenue can do to stop the war:

  • Show support for Ukraine on the company’s home page.
  • Write a blog post or post info on LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram that sheds light on the horrible things that are happening in Ukraine right now.
  • Voice the company’s stance on the war whenever you have your next big company meeting.

Because words are stronger than bullets. Thank you in advance.


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