NY State ESCO Selects nGenue

By Kenneth Hall

Lightning strikes again! After more than a year of exploring all options available for managing natural gas operations, a New York State ESCO (Marketer) judged nGenue to be the best functionality, lowest cost, lowest risk solution to support its California new market entry. Wait! What?

The business owner learned of nGenue via an outbound market awareness campaign nGenue ran in early 2020. Then operating within New York state, using spreadsheets as its only means of managing its business operations, the Marketer was striving to expand its customer base both within and outside of New York state. Like so many other Marketers, book growth was hampered by increasingly complex and inefficient spreadsheet operations, demanding ever-increasing headcount whose cost was disproportionate to the revenue and profit opportunity.

For some time, entering the California market had been a business target. When an opening presented itself, the existing spreadsheet-based operations would require a high cost, high risk investment in new and inexperienced headcount the Marketer was unwilling to bear. Under the circumstances, nGenue’s Emerging Growth Program was the answer to the Marketer’s needs, offering an attractive, low cost to acquire, implement and operate, fully integrated natural gas software operations solution that could be managed by a single headcount from anywhere and accessible to other staff as / when necessary.

At the same time, the Marketer viewed its California new market entry as the launching pad / proving ground for future migration of its New York State customer data into the nGenue solution when convenient to do so; namely, after ramping staff knowledge and experience using nGenue functionality in place of its laborious spreadsheet-based business process. “For us, it’s the best of both worlds … new market entry risk mitigation and cost avoidance, coupled with no obstruction or interruption of our existing day-to-day operations with a flexible and convenient migration path to nGenue on our timetable. We could find no other solution with sufficient functionality or the low cost, low risk, flexibility offered by nGenue!”

Producers, LDCs, Marketers, Pipelines and Utilities face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most don’t. Engage us and we’ll show you how to make a breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field.

– Ken

LDC Gulf Coast

New Orleans, LA

October 14 - 16, 2024

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