nGenue’s New Normal

By Kenneth Hall

As we continue to take precautions to stop the spread, we are hearing chatter about “the new normal” – how our lives will be different going forward. Impacted as we have been, the things we have been missing are right in front of us, while the things we have not missed may take some reminding. For example, I miss in-person interactions with customers, business partners, fellow team members and, of course, family and friends. At the same time, as I think about my previous daily routine, I do not miss traffic and unproductive distractions, the associated time lost and cost.

Speaking with natural gas marketers and LDCs, there is certainly a dichotomy … while some are struggling with remote work, others are flourishing. “Up to my neck in Covid-19 and remote cat-herding” and “We have never been so productive with all the time-wasting distractions out of the way” are comments made by two different business contacts on the same day. Care to guess which is an nGenue customer and which is not (at least, not yet)? Newly equipped with a sense of what matters and what is less important, around here we are framing a view of what nGenue’s new normal will be.

Focus on what matters:

  • Value creation that enables natural gas businesses greater productivity at a lower cost to serve
  • Increased focus on employee productivity – equipping our professionals with the tools that enable their best
  • Routine and frequent communications that reflect interest and are motivating

What is not so important:

  • Team members physically working at a specific location
  • Meetings for the sake of meeting
  • Doing what we have always done just because we have always done it that way

So, what will your new normal be like? Has your upended business world resulted in any epiphanies in terms of how you need to change and how changing will better your business and the customers you serve? What stands out for me is that doing less of what is not important frees up time to do more of what matters – funny how that is. Can you see that translating to how you run your natural gas business? What are you doing too much of? And, if you were doing less of it, would that free up time for doing more of what really matters? Our customers would respond with a resounding, “Yes!”

nGenue users long ago traded chasing down spreadsheet errors, excessive manual tasking and spending far too much time reconciling competing data with more time spent analyzing data they can trust, making better business decisions and increasing top and bottom line performance. It is no myth that sound software functionality and automation of routine tasks make a difference. The myth is that the ability to do so does not exist and/or is not affordable. Whatever you are taking away from this difficult period, take a moment to consider the expression, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” Your new normal can be better, stronger, faster, if you choose it to be – it is up to you.

Whether large or small, natural gas Marketers, Producers, LDCs, Utilities, and Pipelines face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most do not. Engage us and we will show you how to make an affordable breakthrough. It is what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field. nGenue enables competitive advantage.

– Ken

LDC Gulf Coast

New Orleans, LA

October 14 - 16, 2024

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