nGenue Implementation Experience – 100 Days In
Last July, Texican’s selection of nGenue for Retail and Wholesale Natural Gas Operations was announced and the implementation effort began in early Fall. In December, the Texican Executive Sponsor for the project sent us a note with his thoughts on implementation progress to date. Most times, nGenue adopters wait until after Go Live. Receiving in-flight feedback that is so fresh is rare, so I feel compelled to share it for the benefit of those wondering what it’s like to start an implementation of nGenue software … nGenue’s approach, nGenue implementor skills and experiences, what it’s like after the contracts are signed and we get down to work together, etc. Here’s the email we received, unabridged:
Hey Richard,
We are ~100 days into our nGenue implementation and I wanted to drop you a note to let you know things are going great so far. We have been impressed with nGenue’s organized approach and implementation methodology. We have made great progress in the first phase of our implementation for Wholesale operations and couldn’t do it without the excellent team of folks nGenue has committed to our project. Working with individuals who are highly knowledgeable and experienced in gas operations is a huge advantage. Their focus on helping us improve our business processes will be invaluable in reaching our goal of becoming a more effectively run natural gas marketing company. Please pass along our thanks to the nGenue executive team. The nGenue team members that we work with every day already know how we feel about them.
We are grateful for this feedback because, and I know I’ve said it before, the most important report cards are those received from our customers; nGenue adopters like this one. nGenue user feedback, whatever it is, motivates us to keep doing what we are doing at the highest level we can muster to enable our Users to achieve their business objectives.
LDCs, Marketers, Pipelines, Producers, and Utilities face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most don’t. Engage us and we’ll show you how to make a breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field.
nGenue enables Natural Gas Operational Excellence!