National Power Marketer Selects nGenue for Natural Gas

By Kenneth Hall

It happens so often I have lost count of all the times we are asked if the nGenue solution can accommodate Power Marketer operations. Usually, the request is because the Marketer’s business straddles both gas and power and they wish to have only one operational system footprint. And usually, the request comes from a Marketer who purchased a Power software system believing it could also be used for Natural Gas, only to discover reality could not be further from the truth.

In the case of our newest nGenue adopter, a national Power Marketer decided to expand into the Natural Gas arena and recognized straightaway that its Power operational system was not fit for a Natural Gas business. To begin with, it recognized Natural Gas Pricing and Billing demand functionality was markedly different from Power, and it resisted the guile of Power software vendors who attempted to convince it otherwise. So, why nGenue?

The CEO had heard of nGenue through his network, how nGenue enables rapid market entry, highly efficient business development and customer management, as well as all the capabilities required for both Retail and Wholesale Natural Gas. His vision is to do everything right with the new Natural Gas side of the business, applying lessons learned from starting up and growing the Power business over many years. In the CEO’s mind, the Natural Gas business is a start-up and, while talented and experienced Natural Gas professionals are being recruited, the priority is for operational efficiency at the lowest cost to serve. To achieve this, it is recognized that the opportunity to minimize front and back-office headcount exists with nGenue and therefore I am delighted to inform you of our latest nGenue adopter. 

Being that the Marketer has no legacy data requiring clean-up and conversion, nGenue implementation will comprise little more than system configuration and LDC connectivity, taking a mere 8-10 weeks (due to LDC latency), carried out 100% remotely. Eager to ramp its new Natural Gas business, this Marketer cannot be happier with this timeline and their readiness for the winter rush. 

LDCs, Marketers and Utilities face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most don’t. Engage us and we’ll show you how to make a breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field. 

– Ken 

LDC Gulf Coast

New Orleans, LA

October 14 - 16, 2024

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