Interconn Resources Selects nGenue for Natural Gas ETRM and Retail Operations

By Kenneth Hall

Interconn Resources has selected nGenue for its ETRM and retail operations, encompassing software functionality for Natural Gas Pricing, Billing, Trading & Risk, Supply, Customer Portal, and LDC / Marketer EDI Transaction Automation. In so doing, Interconn Resources is equipping itself with the world’s only ETRM and retail operations software solution purpose built for natural gas operations.

We selected nGenue after a thorough evaluation of available ETRM systems. We discovered nGenue to be a solution dedicated to natural gas operations and marketing with the capabilities to cover our requirements,” said Tad Templeton, President at Interconn Resources. “We decided nGenue was the right choice to help further enable us to deliver on our “Expect Excellence” customer commitment”.

Says Ken Hall, CEO of nGenue, “We are delighted to have earned Interconn’s selection. A recognized leader, Interconn Resources has distinguished itself in the Natural Gas industry and we are honored to become a strategic business partner and success enabler of Interconn Resources.

About Interconn Resources

Interconn Resources, LLC was founded in 1997 and has grown into one of the most successful gas marketing companies in the nation, not only surviving but thriving during the days of $15 gas, the Enron debacle and countless supply and pipeline constraints. Our reputation with customers and suppliers means everything to us, and we don’t take our success for granted. We understand we must earn our customers’ confidence and trust every day. And though we have expanded our menu of services, we have not strayed from our core mission of providing Consistently Great Customer Service.

About nGenue

nGenue, LLC is a Houston, Texas based software company offering a best-in-class software solution purpose built for Natural Gas operations that fully supports every aspect of natural gas transportation and distribution. nGenue is a comprehensive, yet modular software solution that enables natural gas LDCs, Marketers, Pipelines, Producers, and Utilities to manage their wholesale and retail business operations productively and efficiently from wellhead to pipeline to city gate to meter. With more than 20 years of continuous product enhancement according to the needs of natural gas industry requirements, today nGenue is the only natural gas-specific end-to-end solution for seamless integration of pricing, billing, accounting, customer care, forecasting, scheduling, trading, risk, supply, wellhead management, netback, and automated LDC /Marketer communications.

LDC Gulf Coast

New Orleans, LA

October 14 - 16, 2024

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