Exceptional customer and broker experiences are paramount to any business and promptly providing complete and clear pricing is often the starting point in a business relationship. Natural Gas businesses…
Continue ReadingExceptional customer and broker experiences are paramount to any business and promptly providing complete and clear pricing is often the starting point in a business relationship. Natural Gas businesses…
Continue ReadingPreviously, I wrote about the chronic misapplication of ETRM systems within natural gas companies because of businesses believing a traditional ETRM…
Continue ReadingWhile businesses within the Natural Gas industry represent a small subset of the global economy, the experience and intellect that exists within our industry never ceases to amaze me…
Continue ReadingOur team fields a great many questions from prospective Natural Gas businesses. Over time, a handful have proven to be the most asked, so I thought these questions and their answers make good blog content to share…
Continue ReadingIn two earlier posts, Natural Gas Operations … How nGenue Makes a Difference and Natural Gas Billing … How nGenue Makes a Difference , I supplied granular feedback received…
Continue ReadingFor most Natural Gas companies, Excel is their first “enterprise software” for running the business. It is widely used, low cost, requires …
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