Satisfy your customers with accurate and completely auditable billing that utilizes up to the minute data for all end user types.
Eliminate manual uploading / downloading with automated billing connectivity enabling rate ready and bill ready utility consolidated billing scenarios without the need to manage or modify spreadsheets.
Simplify your sales process and increase partner satisfaction through an efficient contracting process and clear and accurate commission payments, no matter how simple or complex the calculations.
Mitigate risk through improved GL reporting and calculation of taxes at every jurisdiction level via a single, auditable central repository.
Manage customer credit and quickly review outstanding balancing and aging with features built specially to manage natural gas end users of any size.
Maximize automation with a complete GL supporting seamless integration with your existing ERP.
Eliminate manual uploading / downloading with automated billing connectivity enabling rate ready, bill ready, and utility consolidated billing scenarios without the need to manage or modify spreadsheets.
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