The only ETRM purpose-built for Natural Gas

By Kenneth Hall

Natural Gas business operations span wellhead to pipeline to city gate to meter, comprising both wholesale and retail activities. Natural Gas Traders are responsible for procuring physical supply and Risk Managers are responsible for ensuring an organization is properly hedged to protect against loss and maximize profit. Historically, LDCs, Marketers, Pipelines and Utilities have looked to ETRM systems to supply operational functionality, however traditional ETRM systems are not built to support Natural Gas, but rather they cater to a wide variety of wholesale commodities, such as power, natural gas, crude, refined products, corn, wheat, metals and others. Accommodating the needs of such a broad range of commodities means traditional ETRM systems’ support for commodity breadth comes at the expense of Natural Gas functionality depth, not to mention being devoid of much needed retail functionality.

Natural Gas businesses that acquire a traditional ETRM often find themselves compensating for functionality shortcomings with costly software customizations that involve considerable development time and fail to fully meet business needs. Consulting hours and related costs escalate, time passes, operations staff grow increasingly frustrated and the business suffers. Commonly, businesses in such scenarios regress to manual methods, such as spreadsheets, devaluing the return on their considerable multi-commodity ETRM investment.

It doesn’t have to be this way … nGenue offers an ETRM purpose built for natural gas. Its powerful Trading and Risk capabilities provide natural gas Traders and Risk Managers with the tools required to properly manage their business via a single, trusted solution to capture supply, manage hedges, review positions and understand profitability. Native capabilities include a complete and transparent view of all supply requirements. Using nGenue, natural gas businesses:

  • Enjoy ETRM functionality with natural gas depth
  • Understand risk with full mark-to-market and price exposure reporting
  • Eliminate spreadsheets with full support for the most common deal types, such as NYMEX futures, basis and swing swaps, and physical transactions
  • Establish a single, central repository of fingertips-accessible data
  • Gain unparalleled insights with margin analysis from pipeline to meter

With nGenue enabling superior data integrity and insights via a consolidated, 360-degree view of both wholesale and retail information, operations staff focus shifts from chasing data and struggling with technology shortcomings towards high value, repeatable business activities. If you have ever wondered how you can ensure a software investment is best utilized and how you can maximize your ROI, nGenue is your answer to enjoying productive and efficient natural gas operations, resolving existing shortcomings, streamlining operations and serving as a powerful foundation for growth.

End Users, LDCs, Marketers, Pipelines, Producers and Utilities face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most don’t. Engage us and we’ll show you how to make a breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field.


LDC Gulf Coast

New Orleans, LA

October 14 - 16, 2024

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