Snyder Brothers Selects nGenue for Natural Gas ETRM and Retail Operations

By Kenneth Hall

I am delighted to announce Snyder Brothers, Inc. has selected nGenue as the backbone for its Retail and Wholesale Natural Gas operations.

Snyder Brothers, Inc. produces more than 200,000 mcf per day and is one of the largest, privately funded, independent producers of natural gas in Pennsylvania. After receiving a recommendation from another natural gas business with considerable nGenue experience, Snyder Brothers undertook a rigorous evaluation of nGenue capabilities to ensure it would meet its objectives of improving its operations productivity, efficiency, system performance and reliability.

Says Nathan Henry, Vice President at Snyder Brothers, Inc., “nGenue came highly recommended to us to the point of sounding too good to be true. It is probably because of this, we ran the nGenue team into the ground with our evaluation process. Throughout, the nGenue team was highly professional – attentive, detailed, thorough, and patient, such that nGenue earned our confidence for being able to meet our expectations.

After picking the turf out of our helmets from being run into the ground, I wholeheartedly say, “Welcome Snyder Brothers, Inc. to the nGenue user community!

Producers, LDCs, Marketers, Utilities, and Pipelines face increasing competitive and compliance pressures, requiring increased operational efficiency, data integrity and process improvement. Their operational systems must support this, but most don’t. Engage us and we’ll show you how to make a breakthrough. It’s what we do for natural gas companies, and we are experts in our field.


LDC Gulf Coast

New Orleans, LA

October 14 - 16, 2024

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